
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 17:08:14

这是一部经久不衰的电视佳作,更是一本最生动的相册,记录了一群孩子成长中的一切,更是为人父母的心路历程。《成长的烦恼》是一部在早年在我国极受欢迎并数次重播的优秀美国轻喜剧,剧情让人在捧腹中深思。中文版主要在中国教育电视台播放。全剧七季共165集。Mike的从小到大的一贯的调皮和爱耍小聪明, Carol的些许书呆子气和Ben的傻气稚嫩,父亲Jason的启发式非强制教育方法时常带来的无可奈何的幽默,让人在捧腹中深思……

Growing Pains was about a family of five, the Seavers, who lived on Long Island, New York. Jason Seaver was the father, a psychiatrist, who had his practice at home. (From the 1st to the 5th season) Maggie, his wife, was a journalist who worked for the Long Island newspaper in the first three seasons of the sitcom. She got a job as the news anchor for channel 19 news and worked there through the middle of the 5th season when she decided to stay at home. Jason moved his practice out of the house to an office. During the last seasons, she worked at home writing a consumer awareness column for the local newspaper.